Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Early Christmas/Birthday Gift

Now what will happen to my dear online store? I haven't really decided on that one yet. I still have loads of requirements to think of. On a side note, my last (I hope it wont be me LAST) collection was a HUGE success. Clothes were gone in 15minutes. As of date, only ONE dress is left (4 other pieces are on-hold) from the 38 piece collection! The LMM Skirts were gone even before I posted them! (I put the remaining skirts on 50% off btw)

Friday, November 13, 2009

(Oreo Mousse Graham )
I call this the "sinful surprise".
Just look at the chocolate! :) Fleda describes this as the "the ultimate chocolate overload". I'm a big graham-lover so this is a treat for me! Perfect for late-night cravings.
Next is not your typical leche flan..

Thursday, October 8, 2009
My Life in Full Bloom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Busy as a bee.
Last week was packed! From Friday-Monday this week I was up and about doing some LMM errands and whatnots. It was crazy! It kinda took a toll on me yesterday when my voice suddenly changed from that of a over-pubescent girl to a pubescent boy.LOL.
I went out to replenish my thrift stock yesterday despite the feeling that I will have allergic rhinitis anytime soon. For the love of ukay indeed.
I am so happy to get alot of unbelievable finds. I can't wait to show it to everyone!I couldn't resist keeping some..teehee.
What made my week?
- My mom bought me and my brother a NIKON D3000! :) Can't wait to take awesome pictures!
- Sam influenced me to buy these:
Haha. Such a B.I. :) Love you, Sammie!
- I went to my seamstress to discuss the LMM Exclusive Skirts! I can't wait to see the finished product next week (still crossing my fingers on this).
- The QTube feature will be tomorrow. I'm not excited to see my face on TV but I'm excited to see THE clothes! :) Like what a friend/customer said, " They can imitate you but they can never duplicate you!The LMM style is unique!" True that! :)
When blessings rain, it pours.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Gone to soon.
I'm Back!
- I reviewed (for the nth time) for my much anticipated and long overdue NCLEX exam for the whole month of August (...so that explains why I was MIA in my "little" store)
- I took the exam and surprisingly nailed it (to think I was the first one that day to take the afternoon exam AND
I ended with the minimum number of questions which is 75), thank you Father God and Mama Mary. :) - So I am now a proud BSN, RN (soon MAN,DrPH I'm gonna beat you dean.haha!) :)
- I went to celebrate by coming out with my comeback collection for September which was almost sold out in just 3 days (5 items left I think, out of 40).
- QTube (Qtv channel) did a feature on me,well my store actually. Thanks again for the feature! They obviously loved the house and all my wares. They couldn't believe it was all vintage. Their producer (so sorry I forgot your name!) even said, "Siguro nakuha mo sa parents mo yung hilig mo sa vintage. Mahilig kasi sila sa antique...(while looking around our Mediterranean/Modern Filipino style house)". Thank you,Sir. :)
- Just last weekend I came out with my la primera collection of 8 dresses (I couldn't resist the other two dresses.teehee) and had them auctioned off!
- I finally found THE ONE! Oh yes, that one pair of ankle boots I have been lusting over for months. Too bad when I went back to Janylin and Maldita, they don't have my size anymore. I had an inkling this afternoon to just check cutesygirl.com. Lo and behold, I found these babies! I JUST HAVE TO GET THEM! (They only have a size 6.5 though.I guess that won't hurt a size 6, right?)
That's it,pansit!
I just observed something. My week starts every Thursday! Coincidence I guess.
I read Paulo Coelho's (my personal life-coach just so you know) Like A Flowing River last night because I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. Let me share you some of the lines that really struck me...
...In our solitary bicycle race, we must behave as if time existed and do everything we can to value each second, to rest when necessary, but to keep cycling towards the divine light, and not to be put off by any moments of anxiety.
As I closed the book, I let out a sigh.
Let Go and let God.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Mind over Matter.

What made my week?
To the girl/girls behind All The Frou Frou, thank you for the lovely review!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What's up?

I'm down with the flu (?). I hope it's not H1N1 (Who's scared of it anyway?). A trip to the supermarket plus the uber hot and humid weather last Sunday gave me 3 sneezes and a pseudo-allergy. Say hello to cough and colds.
I had to go to La Salle yesterday to get the documents just to find out that I requested the wrong docs (hindi naman kasi nila sinabi na magkaiba pala yung RLE sa RLE with grades which I may add, not printed on the request slip. You have to ASK them to include that). So after my one hour trip from Alabang to Dasma and back, I knew C&C will stall me this week. I was supposed to go "jobhunting" (parang 'pating-hunting' lang) but because (again, may I quote a friend who wrote) "Sa panahon ngayon mas okay pa ang umutot kesa umubo or suminga", I decided to stay in.
As "oc-oc" as I can be, I checked my planner and darn, its' empty. I can't do anything unless I'm well and there's no sign of (tenacious..excuse my language) secretions. I'm itching to pass resumes and bust my a** into the real world BUT reality bites, I'm not yet fit to do so. If overdosing myself with 3 tabs of FERN-C wont help in boosting my immunity then maybe confining myself in a "homemade bubble" will. Okay, I haven't devised that but I'm working on it.
I've enjoyed almost a year of being a "household staple" (BUM is a harsh word) already! I've given away so many oppurtunities (yes, I was that stupid) but now I'm ready to get it back (ha-ha. WATCH ME--->from Dawn Z's new ad).
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Color me fancy...
Hello global warming.
p.s.: MAY COLLECTION for littlemissmarie will be posted tonight!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Rad D.I.Y.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pick of the Week
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Top Five Stylistas

click: www.chictopia.com/kookie

These people really woke me up from my un-fasyon-able state a few months ago. Thanks to their inspiring blogs/outfits, they have made my life easier ntm, fashionable. ;)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lookbook for MAY
Here are some of the magazine clippings (they're actually pages not clipping..teehee) I scanned for LMM's (littlemissmarie) lookbook for May. Most of the clothes are in black hence for the title "Black to Basics" with some bejewelled pieces.
All for the love of ukay.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fashion Ate The Nurse.
On the way home last night, I thought about my blog's title. It sounded more like "Fashion ate (the) nurse (in me)". Just so you know, I'm a nurse by profession. But because I have another exam to take aside from the local boards, I had to set aside my dreams of working in the prestigious hospitals in the metro just so I can 'concentrate' in reviewing for the NCLEX (FYI: the exam to make me not just a RN but also an USRN).
Boredom brought me back to my first love, thrifting (pinasosyal na ukay ;P ). I also didn't have enough funds to finance my inkling to shop almost every week (because I didn't have weekly allowance anymore) so I resorted to thrifting. I'm just surprised on how much people have only embraced ukay. Maybe it's because of the recession? Whatevs. Ukay is love.
I feel like a pirate whenever I'm in my ukay trove (which I will not divulge this early) and scanning the racks and racks of clothes...Looking for that perfect dress/top/skirt/what-not gives me a certain adrenaline rush which I can never compare! I just love the feeling of finding treasure amongst the 'trash' of other people! There's just one thing I hate about thrifting.. It gives me allergic rhinitis after ;( I know, it sucks sometimes! But all for the love of ukay right?
Here are some of the ukay treasures I found (I'm selling some in my online store).
*Photo from left to right:(1) I scored a red Nina Ricci purse (in mint condition!); (2) I fell in love with this dress, the first time I saw it. It was too nice to be given away just that so I kept it; (3) I didn't let go of this dress when I saw it because the details were too good to pass even before finding out it was a BCBG Max Mazria!!But have to sell it because it was too big for me! (4)Bought the leopard bag by impulse (even if it was all dusty!) My mom frowned when she saw me hold on to that 'couture brown vest'. She thought it was insane, I say it was 'insanely beautiful'! It's in the good hands of a girl-friend now. ;)
I'm itching to go ukay shopping right now. Must. Replenish. My. Wardrobe.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hello, lover.

Name: Nicole (I won't give away my last name for security reasons)
I promise to: update my blog and keep my neurons working!