Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rad D.I.Y.

It's all over my favorite fashion blogs!People are going back to basics err, DIY! I don't think it's because of the recession (is there really?).Some are just tired of seeing the same off-the-rack-everybody-has-them shirt.
Here are some of my fave DIY fashown. ;)
(Photos grabbed from knew run in your stockings could get this cool?
Take out your old shirts, babe!
I tried this one but failed ;(

Who knew lolo's blazers could be recycled into this?

Studs in your brassiere.Wonderwoman-ish.
Why not?

Ripped leggings/pants never looked so classy.
If I were you I'd give mother nature a big favor and go DIY!


  1. just last night i tried to rip one of my pants and shirt and guess what?! it's sh*t!! boooo!! hahaha. ima try another one this weekend. i hope i get it right. have a nice day! :)

  2. ohmy.. ;) im thinking of buying jeans from the thrift store and practicing on it first. ;)

  3. Hi! Yes it's being sold in both G5 and Rockwell. However i'm not sure how many pieces are left.

    Visit Chatuchak and Central World Plaza :)
